Sino-Swiss Particulate Matter/Black Carbon Reduction Program in China
China is gradually tightening its emission regulations. According to the National Clean Air Initiative Plan, for example, PM2.5 concentrations need to be reduced by 10% by 2017. As part of these efforts, new Heavy Duty Vehicles are required to be equipped with a wall flow DPF from January 2015.

The contribution of VERT® to this objective dates back as far as to September 2011, when VERT® supported Chinese and Swiss authorities (MEP of China and SDC of Switzerland) in the introduction of the Sino-Swiss program Black Carbon Emission of Mobile Sources (BCEMS). As part of the program, a retrofit pilot test program was conducted in the course of which 10 coaches in Nanjing, 10 city buses in Xiamen and 11 construction machines in Beijing were retrofitted with VERT®-certified DPFs. At the same time, lab tests were carried out at Xiamen and Jinan.
VERT® then was asked to support a DPF evaluation program with the overall aim of drafting a national Diesel vehicle aftertreatment guideline. In order to ensure that the best available technology was used, real operating conditions had to be measured, which is why GSM data loggers were installed in 25 on-road vehicles in Nanjing and 10 off-road ones in Bejing. Based on the information acquired, suitable DPF systems were chosen for different vehicles.
As a result of these endeavors, the city of Nanjing started a DPF retrofit program with a labeling system for vehicles. Only vehicles equipped with VERT®-approved filter technologies are eligible for a green label and thus are exempt from the driving restrictions in certain areas that yellow labeled ones face.
For more information please read Sino-Swiss Particulate Matter and Update on the Sino-Swiss Particulate Matter Reduction Program or contact
Additional information provides the attached PDF file below:
Technical Regulation of Retrofitting In-use Diesel Vehicle and Non-road Mobile Machinery with Particulate Filter in China (Dr. Wang Yanjun VECC, March 2018)
This Regulation has been elaborated during the Technology Transfer BCEMS-Project in cooperation of the Chinese VECC-MEP, Swiss DEZA and VERT 2013-2015 and is now mandatory for Chinese Retrofit Projects guided by the Vehicle Emission Control Office within the Ministry for Environment Protection MEP/Beijing.